Fabulous Fords Forever 4/22/12
Fabulous Fords Forever 4/22/12
These Ranger EV images are available for use in public media including newspapers and magazines to promote electric vehicles and specifically the Ford Ranger EV.
Copyright Protected Images for Media Use
The Fabulous Fords Forever 2010 Car Show at Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park in Buena Park, CA is the largest one-day-all-Ford car show in the country. Thousands of enthusiasts come from all over the west coast to participate. They limit entries to 2000 Ford vehicles..... everything from the Model T to next years 2013 Mustang. I took my yellow with black stripes Pantera and my plain white Ford Ranger EV.
Like two years ago, I got there early to set up and had the Ranger EV well labeled with large banners on the front and both sides that read “Check it Out! Ford Factory All-Electric......Not a Conversion! Not a Hybrid! Designed and Built Ford Tough!” along with a more detailed list of features and facts plus a stack of Ford Ranger EV Flyers from the REVolt Media page. The loud and flashy Pantera generated interest, but again the Ranger EV was the hit of the show. In the photos below you almost can’t see the truck at times for the crowds gathered around it.
Everywhere I take this truck people are shocked to learn they exist. All the flyers were gone early along with all my REVolt business cards. Everyone wanted to know about this great truck and why Ford stopped building them. There was even a guy from Roush that had worked on these trucks when they were new. He was happy to see them still going strong.
The FFF car show produces one of the largest crowds of the season at Knott’s. This year it was just a little greeener.......thanks to this little white Ford Ranger EV!
Knott’s Berry Farm/ Fabulous Fords Forever