REVolt has one objective - to support the Ranger EV community. Are you looking to support it as well? You can start by adding your truck to the Ranger EV Registry. Being a part of the Ranger EV Registry is FREE!
The Registry provides a way to:
track and authenticate Ford factory Ranger EVs and their history.
allow us to share with you the history of your individual truck
connect you with other Ranger EV owners in your area.
You can help support the Ranger EV community, just Email REVolt with your:
Name/Address/Phone Number (your zipcode is used anonymously on the ‘Where’s Waldo’ Locator map to help you find local Registry members).
VIN of your Ranger EV (Check out the REVolt VIN Decoder)
Odometer Reading
Condition - Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor, Running? (If not, why?)
Battery Pack - 8v PbA/NiMH/12v PbA/LiFePO4/other
Special Features - Color, Options, History, and Interesting Stuff
PCS Used - Check out the Power Control Station Page
NGS Tester? Are you available to help other Ranger EV owners?
Personal Ranger EV website URL
Send us a photo of you with your truck for our FaceSpace slideshow
Include $15 if you also want a REVolt T-shirt. Specify size M-L-XL-XXL. The Registry is FREE, buying a shirt is optional.
Note: This information will not be provided to others without your permission.
Registry members enjoy:
REVolt Link Buys - first look at group parts buys
REVolt Store Discount - see REVolt Store for details.
REVolt Tool Links - tool loan program
REVolt B/S/T - Buy, Sell, or Trade Ranger EV related items
REVolt Locator - Connect you with local Ranger EV owners
We’re here to help. Tell us what you need. Support the Ranger EV community and become a Registry Member.....join the REVolt!
Welcome to REVolt
You joined the electric vehicle community when you bought your Ranger EV, here’s your chance to Link Together with other Ranger EV owners. REVolt is here to help us all help each other. Support the effort by registering and wear your REVolt gear.